PATRIMIUM CONSEIL - 1, rue d'Argenson - 75008 PARIS - Tel: 01 42 66 50 15
SAS with capital of €1,110,000 - RCS PARIS B 795 154 137
Intra-community VAT number: FR11795154137
Patrimium Conseil is registered with ORIAS under number 13009724 as:
COA (Insurance or Reinsurance Broker)
CIF (Financial Investment Advisor)
Realtor (card T)
Patrimium Conseil is a member of the National Chamber of Wealth Management Advisors (CNCGP), an association approved by the Financial Markets Authority.
Patrimium Conseil benefits from the appropriate legal competence (CJA).
Patrimium conseil holds the professional card T n° CPI7501 2022 000 000 138, issued by the CCI of Paris Ile de France and allowing the exercise of the transaction activity on buildings and goodwill_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Professional Liability Insurance and Financial Guarantee MMA IARD Assurances Mutuelles/MMA IARD, 14 boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon – 72030 LE MANS Cedex 9
GANDI SAS, Simplified Joint Stock Company with capital of 37,000 Euros having its registered office at 15 place de la Nation in Paris (75011) FRANCE, registered under number 423 093 459 RCS PARIS No. VAT FR81423093459 Telephone: +33(0) 1 Fax: +33(0) 1 43 73 18 51